Shamanic Distance Healing
Cassandre's Energy Healing Testimonial
Genevieve's Energy Healing Testimonial
Shamanic Energy Medicine is a mighty way to resource and empower your healing, awakening, and sacred path of leadership. This shamanic distance healing process is co-created and designed by the radical Benevolence of the Pachakuti Mesa lineage, the infinitely radiant loving Ascended Masters and Angelic orders, and our higher selves to up-level the spiritual support in your life. This service is a totally new form of quantum healing and lineage transmission to resource and empower your life, health, wellbeing, and prosperity on all levels.
I have found through the many years of offering distance energy work is that I observe much greater benefit and transformation when working with an individual over an extended period of time, rather than just a session or two. Like pulling a thread from a sweater, as you pull one strand - another strand is loosened and also starts to unravels. As one energetic pattern is released, another layer is uncovered and prepares itself for resolution. This can take a bit of time for patterns to emerge one by one. Through the 30 days attune to your energy field every day or two and see what has surfaced and ready to transform. The pristine wisdom of of your body, soul, and living energetic field is the one in charge of the process of healing.
The first of each month I will welcome new clients. This program is a month long process of consenting, receiving and participating in 30 days of energy healing and support from myself (Darcy) and in partnership with the medicine guides of the our healing tradition, your higher guides, and your higher self – to support your healing, transformation and evolution during this time of the great shift of ages.
If you have any questions about this process or would like to connect with me before hand to see if this is a good match for you, please email me at:
With Gratitude, Darcy
Each week will have a different focus of healing intention:
Week 1
Divine interventions to clear interfering energies, programs, conditioning, and viral thought forms that impede your remembrance of your Divine Holy Sovereignty.
The release and healing of parasitical energies, implants and lower dimensional influences.
Week 2
The resolution and healing of ancestral wounds and traumas that are ready to evolve.
The resolution and healing of past and parallel life trauma that are ready to evolve.
The resolution and healing of Karmic influences and patterns.
The dissolving and resolution of heavy cords of connection to people, places or situations that are ready to heal and evolve.
Week 3
Healing energy to help release trapped emotions.
Healing energy towards issues of long covid or vaccine injury.
Resolution and Healing of Abundance and Prosperity Blocks.
Cleansing and Blessing energies for your home.
Week 4
Healing energies to support your sense of groundedness, stability and connectedness to your planetary service.
Healing energies for supporting your unique Medicine gifts, sacred path of service, and life on all levels.
Healing energy for more energy, vitality, clarity of mind and open heart.
Helping to open more energy channels for the reception of more light, love, and life force.
" Darcy is an incredibly gifted, highly skilled energy healer. I've had the pleasure of receiving sessions from him on more than one occasion and each time has been utterly transformational. His energetic refinement, mastery, and potency is unmatched in any other practitioner that I've worked with and from what I've witnessed his gifts have been well-earned through his deep commitment to serving Mother Earth and her people.The energy-blessings that pour through Darcy have served to further awaken my own energetic gifts and abilities, and have helped me gain greater access to these incredible light-technologies as a gift of radical soul-empowerment. His crystal-clear connection to the unseen teachers and guides is palpable in his sessions, as they work with him and through him to facilitate miraculous healing, clearings and activations on behalf of the recipient. Darcy is the "real deal" through-and-through and I whole-heartedly recommend him as a masterful energy medicine practitioner of the highest integrity, heart and service. That he is here in our community offering his services is truly a blessing and one that I am deeply grateful for. "
- Tanin