Thank you so much for saying “YES” to The Way of Sovereignty (Nuna Kallpa 2.0). Thank you for welcoming this vast new bandwidth of resources and empowerment into your life. It is our greatest honor to be able to serve you in this capacity. We are so grateful for your presence on this good Earth and in this evolutionary, quantum healing and co-practice container. The deepest prayer in our hearts is that The Way of Sovereignty supports and empowers you to prosper in every aspect of your life. Our goal is to support you to feel so deeply resourced and radically empowered, that shining your light and love in ever increasing measure is effortless. We recognize that you already are a living Master, you already are an Earth Angel, you already are a Universal Shaman! You deserve to have an unlimited bandwidth of spiritual forces supporting your life, so that your human self feels safe enough to remember who you really are and to shine. It's your Sovereign birthright to step into being a conscious co-creator birthing the New Earth Consciousness.
Now that you have taken the leap to join this powerful quantum container designed to help each of us birth "Heaven on Earth" consciousness. We want you to know that the weekly energy medicine transmissions will be directed to your higher self, to be distributed and harnessed for the greatest possible benefit. Your very own oversoul and higher self is the interface between your human awareness and the powerful energetic currents being offered.
The Way of Sovereignty sanctuary is emanating blessings 24-7. Please know that as the sanctuary guides and guardians we have asked and programmed this healing transmission to be with you any time and in any space, that best serves you to prosper in all ways. This energy medicine service is designed to only ever “do no harm” and be an energetic unlimited reservoir of vitality and wellbeing. This reservoir is a deep and mighty energetic aquifer of Divine Love here to nourish your soul remembrance, shine your spirit, cohere your heart, inspire you mind, and nourish your holy body temple. You are so loved and your presence here matters!
Your experience of our soul power transmissions and your experiences of the Sanctuary of Sovereignty will be unique to you. Perhaps you will experience Sovereign Soul Empowerment through feelings of possibility, joy, love, trust and wonderfully unexplainable expanded emotions. It could be through undeniable synchronistic happenings and opening of new inspirations or innovations. Sudden breakthroughs and quantum leaps of understanding are common. Or you might experience these energies activating your inner healer and helping support your internal guidance system (through visionary states, dreams, and meta-sensorial awareness) to become more activated. We have had many reports of spontaneous healing and slow but steady remissions of chronic illness. The trick to receiving these energies is to remain in a playful and present state of curiosity and truly create some space and time in your full life to receive. The process of becoming a fully conscious and embodied Sovereign Being is to show up to the practice of each moment and each day. Our weekly Sovereign Soul Empowerment sessions are a beautiful way to hold yourself accountable for what only you can do for yourself.
As this is a non-local quantum energy service, you can tap into the healing field at any time of your day or week, however the most potent healing and expanded states will most likely occur for you on Thursday nights (waking and dreaming.)
We recommend that you carve out some space on Thursday nights or during a dedicated time that works the best for you to receive these transmissions. It is best if you have a quiet and intentional space where you can enter into stillness. From the stillness we then ask you to enter the Sanctuary of Sovereignty. A guided journey is offered for you to learn your way to this quantum healing space, once you learn the way as we have offered it, explore finding new ways that bring you to this space over and over.
We are here to serve your journey, please reach out to our team if you have any questions.
Thank you so much for being with us in the magnificent journey of Sovereign Soul Empowerment within The Way of Sovereignty!
For the Love of Truth and the Truth of Love,
Robin & Darcy
The Way of Sovereignty
Wisdom Teaching
(Ideal to listen to before 1st practice)
The Way of Sovereignty
Temple Activation
In preparation for these light code activations please create a quiet, intentional space for yourself, idealy at your sacred altar ground. Be free of all distractions and possibility of interruption. Please give the full power of your presence to theses activations.
Circles of Sanctuary
This Activation Sequence is one of our favourite practices for calling in and attuning to, epic amounts of love and energetic support from the many allies and guides that are supporting our individual and collective process of evolution and awakening. We recognize that in these incredibly intense times and it can be very difficult to stay centered in our hearts and bodies. Sometimes it can feel like the collective waves are sweeping over and knocking us down. “Circles of Sanctuary” is a practice to assist you in creating more spaciousness, support and resources from your spiritual guides and realms of benevolence, that are only ever a prayer away. We work with this practice all of the time and it is a HUGE blessing of skillful means. Remember, that as we are building new internal pathways (be them neural or in our energy bodies) we build these new pathways through practice and repetition, until the practice becomes second nature. If you are finding yourself, off center or easily emotionally or energetically "rocked"- practice this! Call the "Circles of Sanctuary" around you at all times. We also highly recommend calling in some form of these circles before you enter dream time each night. Many people are having a chaotic "dream" life right now, and this is something that can be greatly supported through invoking these circles to support you through all levels of consciousness.
Circles of Sanctuary Instructions